
My Homecare


Domiciliary Care

Domiciliary care offers a solution to people needing some level of support so they can remain safe whilst living at their home. Our carer will maintain safety and comfort visiting the person at the time they need the support the most. Our carers can provide personal care, meals, medication, cleaning and friendship.
Following our managers assessment, our structured care plan will be person centred around their needs and wishes. The visits required may at first be only for short periods such as for half an hour, once or twice daily. As time goes by our services can be extended to include sitting services, two carer visits, sleep overs or we can have care staff available 24 hours each day. In each case My Homecare staff are trained to provide high quality care services.

My Homecare offer the
following services:

General / Personal Care. Assistance with personal hygiene, toileting, dressing, assistance with daily living i.e. getting up and going to bed
Domestic Help. Housework, laundry, ironing, shopping, pension collection, gardening.
Befriending and Sitting Services. Individually tailored for content, timings and duration.
Escorting to appointments / social events.
Assistance with bathing or showering
Meals cooked in your own home and times you wish


My Homecare provide services on the following basis:

Our specialist services have developed through experience and training and are listed below: